Professor Abhijit Banerjee of MIT, Nobel Laureate in Economics, talking about how to contain COVID-19 and encouraging people to use the Containment Pathway made in collaboration with the Liver Foundation of West Bengal in the Raxa app.
Raxa's Voice and Text AI engine can extract N metrics out of unstructured data in realtime (e.g. predicting surgical complications. (e.g. Jung, Cost́e, Gehani, Ray, Arora, Nundy (DMMH 2018)
Automated, Location and health indication-based information targeting and dissemination for effective resource triage
Multilingual, Voice-based, Crowdsourced, Subscriptions that take in Information and Support Point-of-Care Decisions Personalized for the User
Monitoring/analytics of healthcare helps direct resources instantly where needed and monitor the effects of those actions in real-time. (Partner: Liver Foundation of West Bengal)